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AI-driven water innovation - Co-Creation workshop Aflyst

Dato og tid

Onsdag d. 25. september 2024 kl. 10:00 til 16:00


Torsdag d. 19. september 2024 kl. 09:00


Aarhus, , Aarhus

AI-driven water innovation - Co-Creation workshop Aflyst


Learnings from the first AI projects in the water industry are being harvested. 


On this workshop we will dive into needed project activities where AI can enable a speedier and more qualitative road to impact.


We will base this co-learning & co-creation workshop around the ambitions of innovating and demonstrating the worlds most sustainable and efficient water cycle ww.watercycledenmark.com. How can generative AI be an asset in leveraging the needed innovation?


Where are the potentials? What action I needed? Who wants to join partnerships?


We are working on the agenda, but secure your spot already now.

A more detailed agenda will be ready in the beginning of August 2024


The workshop is open for members of Water Valley Denmark and SME´s being part of the Water Valley Innovation program supported by #EUinmyregion


Free admission - no-show fee 500,- DKK











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Water Valley Denmark
Tlf: +45 93400080

Kontaktinformation til arrangør

Water Valley Denmark
Tlf: +45 93400080